The IC-7600 has all the features you would expect are here including PBT, RIT, XIT, keypad, 24 hour clock-timer, 101 memories and multiple scan modes. There is also a built-in voice recorder and voice synthesizer (English/Japanese selectable]. This radio has two USB ports. The front panel USB port is for keyboard or memory drive (not supplied) and one on the rear panel for PC control and audio. This radio has a six transmit meter functions and three meter display modes. Plus a meter output jack on the rear panel. Enjoy great stability with a built-in TCXO providing 0.5ppm (0 - 50°C). There is both a mechanical relay (16V/0.5A) and FET relay (250V/200mA) for keying external amplifier. Separate RX-OUT and RX-IN antenna ports are provided allowing connection of external preselectors, multicouplers etc. There is also a transverter port.
Price : Rp 36.000.000