1.8 to 170MHz range features MFJ-269 gives you a
complete picture of you antenna. Read antenna SWR
and Complex Impedance 1.8 - 170MHz. Built in frequency
counter. Read Complex Impedance as series equivalent
resistance and reactance (Rs+jXs) or as magnitude (Z)
and phase (degrees). Also read parallel equivalent resistance
and reactance (Rp+jXp) -- and MFJ-269 exclusive! You can
determine velocity factor, coax loss in dB, length of coax and
distance to short or open in feet. You can read SWR, return
loss and reflection coefficient at at any frequency
simultaneously at a single glance. Also read match efficiency.
Also read inductance in UH and capacitance in pF at RF
frequencies. You can measure SWR and loss of coax with
any characteristic impedance from 10 to over 600 Ohms,
including 50, 51, 52, 53, 73, 75, 93, 95, 300, 450 Ohms -- an
MFJ-269 exclusive! For more information see MFJ-259B.
New 415 to 470 MHz Range features. Just plug in your UHF
antenna coax, set the frequency and read SWR, return loss
and reflection coefficient simultaneously. You can read coax
cable loss in dB and match efficiency
Price : http://www.rpmhamradio.com/